5 Home Renovation Projects for Summer

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Summer is a popular time to undertake home renovation projects. The weather is good and longer daylight hours make it easier to carry out renovations. Here is a list of the most common summer renovation projects and how contractors and designers can help homeowners prepare.

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Remodeling a bathroom

Bathroom and kitchen remodels provide the biggest return when homeowners go to resell, so it makes sense that bathrooms would top the list of common summer projects. Typical upgrades include replacing bathroom fixtures, lighting, countertops, and sinks. Since the vanity is a focal point in many bathrooms, homeowners might be looking for a more stylish or functional option. Updating the wall and floor tiles is also a common project during a remodel and goes a long way to giving a bathroom a fresh feel.

Bathroom renovations are costly so homeowners should not overlook plumbing and electrical work for functional upgrades. Updating faulty plumbing fixtures, wiring to meet safety standards, and replacing or updating bathroom ventilation protect that investment and make a difference in the integrity of the home.

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Give an old room a new purpose

After spending so much time at home during the pandemic, homeowners are aware of how the spaces within their home function more than ever before. Therefore, they are now much more likely to see areas of their home that could be improved upon or unused space that can be utilized.

A common summer remodeling project includes taking an unused space and giving it a new function. In doing so, the homeowner should consider how it serves their needs first. For example, if converting a spare bedroom into a home office, consider the desk space, storage requirements, and any specific equipment or technology needed as well as the comfort level within the room.

As a contractor, evaluate the layout and dimensions to determine if any structural changes are necessary to optimize the space for its new purpose and whether any improvements need to be made to the ventilation. Work with the homeowner to determine the desired aesthetic and style for the new room, while considering color, finishes and overall design scheme to meet expectations. Another factor to consider is the lighting in the room. Adequate lighting is crucial for the room’s functionality and ambiance, while proper ventilation ensures comfort, moisture control, air quality, and building code compliance.

Don’t forget to assess the storage needs for the new room. Should built-in storage solutions, cabinets or closets be part of the design to keep the space organized and clutter free? Finally, be mindful of how future needs may impact the room’s purpose. This forward-thinking approach can ensure the longevity and versatility of the remodeled space.

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Screen in your porch or add a sunroom

Screening on the porch or adding a sunroom can provide significant value and benefits to the homeowner. It offers outdoor enjoyment while being protected from weather, insects, and pests.

Additionally, a screened porch or sunroom extends the family living space. It can serve as a cozy spot for reading, a playroom for kids, an entertainment area for gatherings, or even a tranquil space for enjoying nature. The added space also enhances resale value, making it more attractive to potential buyers.

Proper ventilation is crucial in a sunroom to ensure a comfortable and healthy environment for habitants. Sunrooms tend to receive a lot of sunlight, which can cause heat buildup and, given the right conditions, increased humidity levels.

Ensuring that the windows can easily open and close, ceiling fans and window treatments will help.

To truly address the issue, consider providing adequate balanced ventilation helping expel hot stale air while drawing in fresh conditioned air.

Paint or update siding

Painting and updating siding during the summer months is a logical consideration since summer offers longer daylight hours, providing more time for outdoor projects. It’s practical too!

Since the exterior of the home is constantly exposed to the elements, siding, and finishes can deteriorate over time.

Painting or updating the siding ensures that the home remains in good condition. It can also go a long way to enhancing the curb appeal of the home, making it more attractive and potentially increasing its value.

Fix or replace your roof

As with siding and exterior painting, it is beneficial to tackle roof repairs in the summer. Better weather conditions and fewer weather-related delays provide a more favorable environment for roof repairs as well as better visibility for roof inspections. Clear skies and ample daylight allow roofing professionals to thoroughly examine the roof's condition, to identify any damage and to accurately assess the scope of repairs needed. Finally, roofing contractors tend to have more availability and a larger staff during the summer months. That being said, it’s important to note that the urgency and timing of roof repairs may vary based on the specific condition of the roof, the extent of the damage and the recommendations of roofing professionals. Regular roof inspections and maintenance can help identify issues early and should be addressed promptly, regardless of the season.

When considering any remodeling project, homeowners should prioritize their goals and set a budget.

As a professional contractor or designer, you can help determine the feasibility of different projects and ensure that the result aligns with the homeowner's vision while ensuring the air quality and comfort of the space are addressed.

Building codes play a crucial role in ensuring the safety, health, and structural integrity of buildings.

When undertaking a remodeling project, it's important to be aware of and comply with the applicable building codes as they apply to structural modifications, electrical systems, plumbing and water systems, HVAC systems, fire safety, accessibility, and energy efficiency.

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