The Good, Better, Best of Tackling Indoor Air Quality

Reading time: 2 minutes


Air quality in an indoor environment directly correlates with its occupant's health and well-being. Being exposed to poor indoor air quality often leads to fatigue, tiredness, health issues such as asthma, an increase in allergies, and long-term illnesses. Therefore, it's vital to achieve the highest level of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) during your build to ensure your customer's health and comfort.

What is a Healthy Home?

A healthy home starts with a ventilation system that controls the quality of the air we breathe. Proper ventilation helps eliminate pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pollen, and cooking odors while controlling humidity and preventing mold. It also keeps indoor spaces safe from threats like radon exposure, dryer fires, and garage fumes.

Here's a look at three strategies to ensure quality indoor air. 

Good: Clean Filtered Air

Adding a whole-house HEPA filtration system to the HVAC system ensures a full-spectrum air cleaning by arresting pollutants and allergens in the air circulating within the home. The HEPA system installed directly on the return air plenum of the forced air heating/cooling system. The system then scrubs 10 -15% of the recirculated air every minute, providing the homeowner with clean air.  

HERO® HS300 can be used to add HEPA filtration to any build. The HERO HS300 is designed to collect up to 90% of particles between 3 - 10 microns, such as pollen, dust mites, and pet dander. In addition, the HEPA filter arrests up to 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns in size, including bacteria, legionella, combustion smoke, milled flour, and mold spores.

Better: Balanced Ventilation

Using a fresh air appliance ensures a continual exchange of fresh outside air for stale air, providing a better option for a healthier home and balanced ventilation. Depending on your location, you can choose one of two scenarios: a dedicated system or a partially dedicated system with additional help from HEPA filtration.  

HERO 150H-EC Fresh Air Appliance can be used with the HERO HS300 filtration system to provide better and balanced ventilation. This high-performance, ENERGY STAR®-rated fresh air appliance continuously supplies 175 cfm of outdoor, filtered air while removing moist, stale indoor air, and improves indoor air quality for occupant health. At the same time, it recovers 80% of heat from outgoing air to preserve efficiency. 

Best: Ventilation with TVOC Sensing

The best scenario for IAQ combines a filtration system, a fresh air appliance as described above with smart, TVOC (Total Organic Compound) sensing technology added in. To complement the HERO 150H-EC Fresh Air Appliance, you can use the ECO-Touch IAQ. This control system recognizes elevated TVOCs in the home, such as from cooking and cleaning, and automatically ramps up ventilation rates to bring more fresh air inside while removing stale air to outdoors.  

Depending on the location and layout of your future build, Fantech can help with a solution that gets your homeowner clean air and how you can go beyond that to achieve a healthier home for your client's health and comfort.