HEPA Filtration Systems vs. HEPA Air Purifiers

Reading time: 6 minutes


A High-efficiency Particulate Air filter, or a HEPA filter, is designed to catch at least 99.97% of dust, pollen, mold, bacteria, and other harmful airborne particles.  

MERV Rating

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values, or MERVs, report a filter's ability to capture larger particles between 0.3 and 10 microns (µm). The rating moves from 1-16; with one being the worst, and 16 being second-best. As a result, MERV16 filters rank only behind HEPA filters, and that is still considered pretty good.  

Therefore, the best air purification appliances feature HEPA filters, and that means any appliance with a HEPA filter will fit all homeowner needs, right? Well not quite.  

To demonstrate, we’ll give you a general overview of a couple of appliances and then have them fight to the death... just kidding, but we do compare both appliances then determine which appliance is better equipped for whole-house filtration. On that note, let’s learn about HEPA appliances!

What is a HEPA Air Purifier?

A HEPA air purifier is an air purifier that is easy to use and easy to maintain. These appliances take the air currently within the room, cycle it through the appliance and the HEPA filter within, and expel clean air back out into the room.  

What they provide in ease of installation, portability, and smart-home technology is unmatched in the air purification industry.  

What is a HEPA Filtration System? 

A HEPA filtration system, specifically the HERO HS300 HEPA System, works by attaching directly to or by connecting remotely to the return air plenum of the forced air heating/cooling system. It uses a 3-stage filtration system that can move up to 300 CFM of recirculated air into the home/large space.  

This filtration system works by cleaning the air as it recirculates through the home/large space. Designed for whole-house filtration, it's a unique appliance in terms of capability and performance.

What's the Difference?

Below, we have compiled a list of 9 topics that apply to both appliances. 

Similarly, to how we compared fresh air appliances to air purifiers, we will show the differences between HEPA filtration systems and HEPA air purifiers to clarify why one appliance is better than the other for that specific topic.   
Without delay, view the table below and see who comes out on top!

HERO HS300 HEPA System vs. HEPA Air Purifier

TopicHERO HS300 HEPA SystemHEPA Air Purifier
Filter Strength
A HERO HS300 HEPA System uses a 3-stage filtration system consisting of a pre-filter with carbon and a HEPA filter.The HEPA air purifier, as a result of the typical, small size of these appliances, uses a 2-stage system with a HEPA filter and a pre-filter.

The HERO HS300 HEPA System uses another stage, or layer, of filter that stops additional odors from recirculating through the house; making it more ideal to prevent odors from migrating throughout the house.

TopicHERO HS300 HEPA SystemHEPA Air Purifier
Easy Install
A HERO HS300 HEPA System attaches directly onto or beside the return air plenum to clean the return air before it reenters the space. This installation does require professional help.The HEPA air purifier does not need professional help and can be installed anywhere with an outlet.

Because it requires professional installation, the HERO HS300 HEPA system is much more difficult to install over a HEPA air purifier.

TopicHERO HS300 HEPA SystemHEPA Air Purifier
Whole-house Filtration
A house with a HERO HS300 HEPA System only needs one appliance for complete, clean airflow coverage.On the other hand, a house with a HEPA air purifier would need multiple appliances to match this clean-air design; potentially costing the homeowner thousands in initial costs.

One HERO HS300 HEPA System can cover an indoor space up to 3,000 ft2. This will definitely save the homeowner on initial costs, upkeep, and operational costs when compared to purchasing multiple HEPA air purifiers.

TopicHERO HS300 HEPA SystemHEPA Air Purifier
A HERO HS300 HEPA System is much larger than a standard HEPA air purifier and is not portable. Contrarily, the HEPA air purifier uses a compact design that ensures even the smallest of spaces can accommodate this appliance and the small size allows for easy portability.

When the HERO HS300 HEPA System is installed, it’s there as long as the house stands. Meanwhile, the HEPA air purifier can move where clean air is needed.

TopicHERO HS300 HEPA SystemHEPA Air Purifier
Area of Coverage
The HERO HS300 HEPA System, on the other hand, is capable of whole-house filtration (up to 3,000 ft2) by cleaning the air as it moves through the air handler and assisting recirculation back through the house. A HEPA air purifier is limited to cleaning their immediate vicinity; even the most advanced and strongest appliances can only purify air the size of a small apartment (350 ft2).

We touched on this earlier, but the HERO HS300 HEPA System covers a large space and reduces the amount of HEPA appliances needed for clean air.

TopicHERO HS300 HEPA SystemHEPA Air Purifier
The HERO HS300 HEPA System makes little amounts of noise thanks to its installation requirements (if any are heard at all from past the utility room).Conversely, since a HEPA air purifier is located within common spaces, these appliances can be heard and added noise can be an annoyance to some individuals.

The way the HERO HS300 HEPA System is installed gives it the edge here.

TopicHERO HS300 HEPA SystemHEPA Air Purifier

Both appliances are able to be maintained with relative ease. Since they both require filter replacement and can be cleaned with a soft cloth, there is no clear winner here.

TopicHERO HS300 HEPA SystemHEPA Air Purifier
Takes Floor/Wall Space Away
It is important to realize that individuals with a lack of space or those that like to keep their floor/wall space clear may not want another appliance shown in a common area. The HERO HS300 HEPA System, as a result of design, must be installed on or directly next to the air handler. Conversely, this results in no unsightly appliances in the living space nor taking up space in common areas. With this in mind, the HEPA air purifier—while small and portable—needs to be in the area where clean air is required. Ultimately taking up space on the floor/wall. This can be unsightly for some individuals while for individuals with a lack of space it would be logistically difficult to add another appliance into the living space.

The homeowner probably won’t even know the HERO HS300 HEPA System is there until it’s time for the semi-annual maintenance.

TopicHERO HS300 HEPA SystemHEPA Air Purifier
Smart Home Capability
With the help of an Alexa smart plug an individual can tell their HERO HS300 HEPA System to ramp up or to turn it on/off. For more advanced features, a compatible 7-day control is needed. The HEPA air purifier mentioned here utilizes smart, advanced features such as VOC sensing technology. The air purifier even has a smart phone app to alert homeowners of issues with their air quality as well as delivering notifications when maintenance is needed.

Smart home tech is in, both sides have the capability, one has it integrated however.

Hero HS300

The Verdict

Utilizing a HEPA air purifier, like the one referenced in this article, is a quick-fix to indoor air quality issues in the living space. As a result, multiple HEPA air purifiers would be needed to match the HERO HS300 HEPA system’s level of clean air coverage; potentially costing homeowners thousands of dollars in initial costs

With the HERO HS300 HEPA System, occupants receive an engineered solution for clean air needs. Like the HEPA air purifier, it’s capable of filtering 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns and larger. Unlike the HEPA air purifier, and thanks to its connection to the return air plenum, clean air is distributed throughout the whole of the indoor space. 

All-in-all, with the HERO HS300 HEPA System, the occupant receives whole-space filtration all individuals can enjoy.