To ladies at work writing on a white board

Office Air Alert: Tackling the Challenges of Poor IAQ at Work

Reading time: 3 minutes


Did you know that poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in the workplace could be affecting the health and productivity of your employees? As an HVAC contractor, you are familiar with the challenges of tackling IAQ issues. From aging HVAC systems struggling to keep up with demand to the diverse environments of businesses, finding effective solutions is crucial. In this article, we explore the common challenges faced by HVAC contractors and introduce ventilation solutions tailored to address each issue head-on. 

Various Challenges

HVAC contractors often encounter various challenges relating to IAQ at businesses. These challenges can arise from the complexity of commercial environments and the diverse factors affecting air quality. Here are some common challenges faced by HVAC contractors during IAQ inspections: 

Limitations of the HVAC System

Older or poorly maintained HVAC systems may limit the capability to keep the entirety of the space tempered. Contractors must assess the existing system's capabilities and recommend necessary upgrades. 

Client Issue:

The client states the conference room / cafeteria / lobby is too cold / too hot. 

Possible Solution:

If a certain area of the building feels colder/warmer than other areas, the installed HVAC system may be too weak to sufficiently keep occupants comfortable. An inline fan installed strategically within the ductwork can assist in this situation dramatically. The fan can be easily integrated within the supply ducts to pull the tempered air into the conference room (cafeteria or lobby), assisting the HVAC system and reducing the load. 

Diverse Business Environments

Businesses vary widely in terms of size, layout, and operations. HVAC contractors must adapt their inspection approaches to suit the specific characteristics of each business, from office spaces to manufacturing facilities. 

Additionally, pinpointing the exact sources of indoor air pollution can be challenging. Businesses may have multiple potential pollutants, including chemicals, emissions from equipment, or biological contaminants. Contractors need to conduct thorough investigations to identify and address these sources.

Client Issue:

The client tells you his employees often take sick leave citing respiratory issues. The client tells you employees feel physically better when outside the office or when working remotely. 

Solution 1:

Office spaces that reportedly are dry or feel stuffy can benefit from a fresh air appliance or a light commercial heat/energy recovery ventilator.1 These appliances bring in fresh air, which is essential to reducing indoor air pollutants. 

The incoming fresh air and extract air ports can be installed directly on the return air plenum of the forced air system, requiring only two penetrations to the outside, known as a simplified installation. This method makes installation a “breeze” for you and is ideal for retrofitting. Furthermore, a portable HEPA filtration system can be implemented into various spaces throughout the office space for complete 3-stage filtration.  

1 Sized appropriately for the application. 

Solution 2:

Manufacturing facilities and warehouses need a certain amount of outdoor airflow introduced to satisfy the local building code and keep employees breathing fresh air. One of the best ways to do this is to use an air handling unit, such as the Geniox, developed by Fantech's parent company, Systemair. These AHUs can offer up to 440–65,000 CFM to satisfy airflow requirements for even the largest facility. Furthermore, it tempers the incoming air through a plate exchanger or an energy recovery wheel to optimize the energy used to operate the forced air system.

Equipping You to Tackle the Toughest Challenges

Fantech understands the unique challenges contractors face in tackling poor indoor air quality. After consulting local building codes, explore our range of products and contact us for clarification on products that would be best suited for your job.