A clear bubble filled with blue smoke

PHS300 Clears the Air in an Inspiring Smoke Test

Reading time: 3 minutes


Just how effective is whole-house filtration with a HEPA filter? We put our PHS300 to the test. The results? Let's dive right in! 

A man named Aaron in front of a clear bubble with a PHS300 inside before we start the test

Setting the Scene

Picture this: A transparent bubble, 10 feet in diameter, filled with an ethereal shade of 'Fantech' blue smoke. Within this cloud, our PHS 300 awaited the challenge – to clear out the haze and provide a fresh, breathable environment. This might sound like a scene from a science fiction movie, but it is the reality we captured in our latest video on YouTube, '5 Minutes with Fantech: PHS300 Smoke Test.' 

PHS300 at a Glance

The PHS300 is built to combat pollutants, allergens, viruses, and even strong odors. It can purify indoor air in a space of up to 2,000 square feet per hour. 

Two-in-one: MERV8 pre-filter and a carbon filter

HEPA filter

Two fan speed options (170 or 240 CFM)

An open PHS300 with blue filters from after the smoke test

The Big Test

For our experiment, we opted for the highest setting: 240 CFM. As with any great venture, we did hit a minor hiccup. In our initial attempt, the smoke bomb burned a small hole in our bubble. But that is what experimentation is about, right? Learning, adapting, and moving forward. After repairing the bubble and being newly armed with a sand bucket, we were back in action. 

In only 3 minutes during our second attempt, the PHS300 proved its prowess. The smoke? Completely cleared. The ambiance? Fresh and revitalized. And the filters? A shade of deep blue, a testament to the sheer number of particles it had filtered out.

Easy Operation and Portability

The PHS300 is easy to use. Simply plug it into any indoor outlet, choose the preferred operation speed, and let it do its magic. Whether it is placed in a living room, bedroom, or office, its portable design ensures it can be used anywhere to breathe healthier, cleaner air. 

Making it Known

Our '5 Minutes with Fantech: PHS300 Smoke Test' highlighted not just a product but a promise – a promise of cleaner air, healthier living, and a testament to our commitment to improve your indoor air quality. We invite you to watch the mesmerizing transformation in our video and experience the magic of the PHS300 for yourself. 

 When thinking about air purification, remember the image of that vast blue bubble turning clear, and know that with Fantech's PHS300, you can breathe easy. 

Want a non-portable whole-house solution? Look at the HERO® HS300… same unit, no rollers. It is designed to install directly on the return air plenum of the forced air heating/cooling system.