Food Prep Area

Using an exhaust fan to remove cooking odors is an effective method for improving IAQ. However, in scenarios with large kitchens and extensive food prep stations, addressing persistent smells like cut onions or slow cooker aromas can be a challenge. In such cases, a straightforward solution is to install an exhaust duct connected to an inline fan to effectively eliminate these odors.

Installing an exhaust fan specifically over the food prep area is a great way to address a common pain point for our customers. It tackles those lingering food odors before they spread throughout the house, making kitchens more enjoyable.

Picture of Ivan on a blue background
Ivan Daza
Project Manager

Regulations and Factors

Important to know
  • International Residential Code (IRC) M1505.2 States to not discharge air from kitchens into areas inside the building.

  • IRC M1505.3 Requires mechanical ventilation fans be listed and labeled providing the minimum airflow within AMCA 210 or HVI916.

  • Local Codes May have their own requirements regarding overall kitchen ventilation.

  • Code Compliance and Efficiency Adhering to codes ensures safety and minimizes costs through energy-efficient solutions.

  • Knowledge, Value, and the Importance of IAQ Offering an inline exhaust fan solution can add value to your customer's home by reducing smells and improving IAQ.

  • Quiet The remote mounting location of the exhaust system ensures noise is kept away from the living space.

  • Customizable An exhaust system can be installed in an exterior wall or in the ceiling directly above the food prep station.

How Does the Design Work?

A simple exhaust duct concealed in a wall or cabinet connected to an inline fan in the attic controls a plethora of food prep odors.

Another idea is using an exterior wall fan connected with rigid duct and an intake port directly above the food prep station.

Either way, the fan gets activated by pressing a push button timer for a desired time interval between 20 and 60 minutes. To protect from air backdrafting through the inline fan design, a vent louver should be used to protect against infiltration or loss of tempered air.

Discovery Questions

Good to know

What accessories are needed?

A push button timer is essential for this design. This allows the user to active the system only when it is needed. Duct work and mounting clamps are other accessories needed.

Do I need a Silencer?

Because of the remote mounting location of the fan, a silencer wouldn’t be needed. However, if you think your customer would find this application to be too noisy, a silencer would be a great choice to reduce vibrations and subsequently reduce noise. 

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