Menerga fans

Beyond Inline Basics: The Diverse Domains of Inline Fans

Reading time: 4 minutes


Inline fans have evolved from being a simple component in ventilation systems to becoming essential tools across various domains. In this blog post, we explore the diverse applications of inline fans, focusing on their flexibility and benefits.

From enhancing ventilation in food preparation areas to creating optimal conditions for a back bedroom office, inline fans have proven to be indispensable in ensuring comfort, cleanliness, and efficiency in these diverse spaces.

A naturally well-lit kitchen with modern finishes, white walls, and a mixture of black and white cabinets

Kitchen Ventilation

In the dynamic environment of kitchens, inline fans emerge as indispensable assets, playing a crucial role in maintaining impeccable air quality and freshness.

These fans excel in efficiently reducing cooking odors and enhancing ventilation, creating a safer, more comfortable, and inviting cooking space.

The recommended air change rate for kitchens, falling within the range of 15 to 60 changes per hour,1 underscores the importance of efficient air exchange.

Inline fans contribute significantly to achieving this recommended rate, ensuring optimal conditions for a pleasant culinary experience.

The advantages of inline fans reach new heights when strategically coupled with a hood liner. This dynamic duo not only excels in reducing cooking odors but also proves highly effective in capturing grease, smoke, and airborne particles.

Beyond standard odor control, this collaborative approach offers improved air quality, reduced maintenance needs, and an overall elevated cooking atmosphere.

Want a Fantech solution? Consider the FKD 8XL or FKD 10. Metal fans should be used for kitchen solutions.
Pair the FKD exhaust fan with the HL Hood liner built into your hood cover for a total Fantech build.

A luxury residential study, big enough to be a living room shown with a electrical fireplace, a coffee table, furniture, book shelves filled with books and tchotchkes

Room-to-Room Ventilation

Facilitating the transfer of preconditioned air from remote areas of the house, inline fans stand as crucial components in achieving optimal room-to-room ventilation.

This not only provides a cost-effective solution for enhanced comfort in changing temperatures but aligns with the recommended air change rate for residences, which typically falls within the range of 1 to 2 air changes per hour (ACH).1

Striking a balance between energy efficiency and enhanced comfort, inline fans ensure a steady flow of preconditioned air, contributing to balanced indoor temperatures and improved living conditions.

As residences vary in size, layout, and climate, it's imperative for builders and contractors to consider specific airflow rates tailored to their unique environments.

By incorporating inline fans into their ventilation systems, you can customize the air exchange process to meet the recommended rates, fostering a comfortable and energy-efficient living space.

The versatility of inline fans in adapting to diverse residence configurations makes them a valuable asset for those seeking an efficient and personalized approach to room-to-room ventilation. 

Want a Fantech solution? Consider the FG Series of Inline Duct Fans.
Pair the FG inline duct fan with MGE4 Metal Exhaust Grilles and the IR4 Iris Damper to control airflow.

People congregating in an office conference room seated around a table

Conference Room Enhancement

In conference rooms, where discussions and presentations unfold, the integration of ceiling-mounted inline fans stands as a powerful solution for achieving optimal ventilation.

These fans serve as dynamic duct boosters, drawing additional air from the building's HVAC system on demand.

Not only does this enhance indoor air circulation but it also aligns seamlessly with the recommended air exchange rate for meeting rooms, which typically falls within the range of 4 to 6 air changes per Hour (ACH).2 

As residences vary in size, layout, and climate, it's imperative for builders and contractors to consider specific airflow rates tailored to their unique environments.

By incorporating inline fans into their ventilation systems, individuals can customize the air exchange process to meet the recommended rates, fostering a comfortable and energy-efficient living space.

The versatility of inline fans in adapting to diverse residence configurations makes them a valuable asset for those seeking an efficient and personalized approach to room-to-room ventilation. 

Want a Fantech solution? Consider the FG Series of Inline Duct Fans.
Pair the FG inline duct fan with MGE Metal Exhaust Grilles and the IR4 Iris Damper to control airflow.

A well-lit residential fitness space, showing various fitness equipment and a person performing the squat lift with weight on the barbell.

Fitness Room Airflow

In fitness rooms, where maintaining a comfortable and healthy environment is paramount, inline fans emerge as indispensable elements for optimizing airflow.

These fans effectively enhance air circulation, creating a conducive space for workouts while preventing the build-up of moisture and odors.

Industry standards emphasize the importance of adequate ventilation, recommending a minimum of 15-20 air changes per hour (ACH) for fitness rooms.3 

By adhering to these standards, inline fans not only contribute to improved ventilation but also ensure that the air within the fitness room is consistently refreshed.

A higher air exchange rate helps minimize the risk of stale air, control moisture, and foster a healthier environment for physical activities while invigorating the fitness experience. 

Want a Fantech solution? Consider the FG Series of Inline Duct Fans.
Pair the FG inline duct fan with MGE Metal Exhaust Grilles and the IR4 Iris Damper to control airflow.

A pharmacy shelf is shown full of prescription drugs, placed in an organized manner

Pharmacy Storage

Within the realm of pharmacy storage, where the preservation of medication efficacy is paramount, inline fans play a critical role in maintaining optimal air quality.

The specific requirements for hazardous drug (HD) storage rooms underscore the need for meticulous ventilation strategies. It is recommended that HD storage rooms, catering to refrigerated, sterile, and nonsterile storage, achieve a minimum of 12 air changes per hour (ACH).4 

In spaces where buffer rooms and anterooms provide access to HDs, a more robust ventilation approach is warranted, necessitating 30 ACH. For anterooms without direct HD access, the recommendation stands at 20 ACH, ensuring a controlled environment for medication storage.

Buffer rooms equipped with a redundant HEPA filtration system are advised to maintain a minimum of 12 ACH, emphasizing the importance of specialized ventilation to meet stringent standards for pharmaceutical storage.4

Want a Fantech solution? The FG, FR, and FKD Series can all help maintain balanced humidity levels.
These fans can help you meet many more general ventilation requirements needed for pharmacy storage.

Home Theater

Home Theaters

In the realm of home entertainment, where immersive audio-visual experiences are crafted, inline fans play a unique role in enhancing the atmosphere of home theaters.

Achieving an optimal environment in home theaters involves considerations beyond traditional HVAC systems. For spaces with high occupancy density, such as those at maximum capacity in home theaters, it is recommended to aim for at least 6 air changes per hour (ACH)5.

This ensures a consistent refreshment of the air, contributing to the comfort and well-being of occupants during extended viewing sessions. 

A strategic approach to achieving these air exchanges involves introducing outdoor fresh air into the return side of the ductwork design. This configuration allows the incoming air to be filtered and conditioned before entering the home theater space, mitigating potential contaminants and ensuring a supply of fresh, clean air.

Inline fans, integrated into the ventilation system, maintain the desired airflow and contribute to the overall climate control of the home theater environment.

Want a Fantech solution? Consider our HERO Fresh Air Appliances with Heat Recovery.
Paired with the HERO series, an FG EC series fan with the EC 10V controller allows for infinite airflow regulation.

Woman gardening in greenhouse replanting plant
Beautiful, Real People, Candid, Reforestation, Leisure Activity, Portrait, Mid Adult Women, Women, Females, Part Of A Series, Hobbies, Domestic Life, Vegetable Garden, Greenhouse, Color Image, Planting, Gardening, Chili Pepper, 35-39 Years, 30-39 Years, Mid Adult, Adult, Working, Healthy Lifestyle, Caucasian Ethnicity, One Person, Relaxation, Bright, Lifestyles, Indoors, Outdoors, Horizontal, Image, Content, Recreational Pursuit, People, Vegetable, Lush Foliage, Plant, Sunlight, Day, Summer, Formal Garden, Flower Pot, beautiful woman, Garden Work, Chili Plant, Sunny

Grow Room Optimization

In the realm of plant cultivation, inline fans play a crucial role in creating optimal conditions for healthy plant growth.

These fans provide essential air circulation, temperature control, and humidity management, contributing to increased crop yield and the prevention of mold and pests.

The recommended air change rate for grow rooms can vary, and it's essential for readers to research specific seasonal airflow rates tailored to their respective zones. 

It's worth noting that the exhaust fans employed in grow rooms should possess the versatility to move small air volumes without creating drafts, particularly during the winter months. Simultaneously, these fans should be capable of providing sufficient capacity for air exchange within the house each minute.

Achieving one air exchange per minute in the absence of evaporative cooling helps maintain the temperature approximately 8 degrees F higher than the outside temperatures.6

This careful balance ensures a conducive environment for plant growth throughout the year. As readers explore the specific requirements for their zones, they can tailor their ventilation systems to meet the unique needs of their grow rooms, optimizing conditions for a flourishing and healthy crop.

Want a Fantech solution? Consider the FR or prioAIR series of Inline Duct Fans.
These plastic inline fans make a great complement to your customer's greenhouse. Their plastic housing in a semi-outdoor and humid space ensures an adequate supply of airflow and moisture control.

As inline fans continue to evolve and prove their versatility, it is crucial for builders and contractors to navigate the intricacies of code requirements specific to their jurisdictions.

The recommended air change rates and ventilation standards can vary, underscoring the importance of consulting local building codes to ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Moreover, when specifying inline fans for various applications, seeking guidance from a qualified engineer is essential to match the right product with the specific requirements of each space.