Inline duct fans

Exterior or interior, resin or metal, EC or AC, and more. Our circular duct fan products fit a variety of applications.

Whatever your needs, there’s a fan here suitable for your residential or commercial application.

Low airflow resin fans for various applications
Low to moderate airflow metal fans for various applications
Moderate to high airflow metal fans for various applications
Airflow Range at 0.2” Pst (cfm)
Airflow Range at 0.2” Pst (cfm)
Up to 290Up to 880Up to 5400
Motor Type
Motor Type
ACAC and ECAC and EC

Inline duct fans

are known for their economical use of energy and excellent ease of control. Circular, square, rectangular, or exterior-mounted, resin or metal duct fans are available for various supply and exhaust air applications.

Accessories available include electrical and mounting accessories, controls, and more.