How VOCs and SVOCs Affect Your Indoor Air Quality

Reading time: 5 minutes


This article was originally published April 2019 and has been updated to reflect current information.

Note to Industry Professionals: Indoor air quality (IAQ) is an important consideration in any new build or renovation, as it directly impacts the health and comfort of occupants. With growing awareness of environmental health, homeowners are increasingly concerned about the air they breathe indoors. Poor IAQ is linked to numerous health issues, making it important for builders and HVAC contractors to consider during project planning. Addressing pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) is key to creating healthier, safer indoor environments. 

Did you know that the air you breathe in your home can be up to 70% more polluted than outdoor air? From cooking to pet dander, everyday activities and items can compromise the quality of your home’s air – and, ultimately, your health.

It’s not just what you do in your home that affects the air you breathe either. Oftentimes, the biggest culprit behind poor indoor air quality is what we can’t even see or detect. 

VOCs and SVOCs are two such invisible hazards. While you may have heard these acronyms before, you may not realize how detrimental they can be to the air quality of your home. Understanding how these VOCs and SVOCs enter the house and how to reduce them is key to ensuring healthy indoor air. 

What Are VOCs?

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are compounds that release gases made up of carbon that can be toxic in high levels. These compounds are capable of evaporating under normal indoor conditions, which is why concentrations of VOCs are typically higher indoors. In fact, the EPA notes that VOC concentrations can be up to 10 times higher inside versus outside.

Sources of VOCs

More than 10,000 compounds can be classified as VOCs, and there are numerous products within our homes that expose us to them. Some of the most common items where VOCs are often present include:

Air fresheners

Wood cleaners


Building materials


Identifying VOCs

Fortunately, VOCs are fairly easy to detect in the air because they typically release strong odors; however, identifying VOC levels in products before they enter the home can be difficult because of inconsistencies in product labeling.

Unfortunately, the requirements for product labels are not entirely standardized. Often, labels will feature broad terms such as “green” or “environmentally friendly.” These terms not only do little to define what’s inside but can be highly misleading, as VOCs can be naturally occurring, organic compounds.

For example, paints and adhesives may be labeled as “low-VOC” or “no VOC” – but that also doesn’t tell the entire story. Many of these labels do not account for all of the VOCs emitted from the product, such as the VOCs incurred during the tinting process.

When it comes to building products and materials, look for labels with GREENGUARD Certification and SCS Indoor Advantage and Indoor Advantage Gold certifications:

What Are SVOCs and How Are They Different?

Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) have lower volatility levels than VOCs, meaning that they are slightly less toxic than standard VOCs. These compounds also differ from VOCs in that they are not as readily airborne. Instead, SVOCs are more likely to be found in condensed forms on surfaces. Typically, SVOCs sit atop furniture and other surfaces in the home and can remain for long periods of time. 

Sources of SVOCs

Similar to VOCs, SVOCs are common in household items like:


Fire retardants


Cleaning products

Personal care products

Simply eliminating the source of SVOCs does not ensure they will not continue to contaminate the air. Because SVOCs easily attach to surfaces and household dust, they can actually continue to persist for weeks or years within the home. 

Identifying SVOCs

Unlike VOCs, SVOCs are not easily detectable through smell, making them much more difficult to identify within the home. Additionally, SVOCs are released slowly from their sources over extended periods of time through wear and tear at inconsistent rates. 

Stock Photo

How VOCs & SVOCs Impact Health

Short-term exposure to high levels of VOCs and SVOCs can cause dizziness, headaches, nausea, and sinus irritation. Long-term exposure is linked to more severe outcomes, such as weakened immune systems, respiratory issues, and even cancer. Prolonged exposure in children may lead to developmental disorders and cognitive issues. (Harvard Chan School of Public Health) 

A major class of indoor pollutants are volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chemicals such as formaldehyde that can evaporate under normal atmospheric conditions. VOCs can be emitted into indoor air from a variety of sources, such as building materials, flooring, composite wood products, and adhesives.

Bruce Mitchell
in his article 'Building Materials Can Be a Major Source of Indoor Air Pollution'

This highlights the need for effective ventilation systems that can help mitigate these pollutants. As homeowners become increasingly aware of the impact of building materials on indoor air quality, the role of builders and HVAC contractors in selecting low-VOC materials becomes even more important. (Mitchell, Bruce. “Building Materials Can Be a Major Source of Indoor Air Pollution.”). 

Ways to Reduce VOCs & SVOCs in the Home

Eliminating VOCs and SVOCs from you home entirely is nearly impossible, but there are steps you can take to help reduce levels. 

Use natural products

Switch to natural alternatives for cleaning and personal care, such as using lemon juice and olive oil as a wood polish. (Byrd Heating & Air Conditioning: How to Reduce Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs) in Your Indoor Air)

Control what enters your home

For products with high VOC levels that cannot be replaced with natural alternatives, consider alternative storage options. For example, store paint, pesticides and chemical cleaning supplies in the detached garage or a shed to prevent infiltration into the home.

Install a fresh air appliance

The most effective way to improve IAQ is with a fresh air appliance like an HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilator) or an ERV (Energy Recovery Ventilator). These systems remove polluted indoor air and replace it with clean outdoor air, offering continuous protection against VOCs and SVOCs. (Fresh air appliances)

With advancements in low-VOC building materials, smart ventilation systems, and SVOC-free personal care products, the future of IAQ is looking brighter. For builders and HVAC professionals, staying updated with these innovations is important in delivering healthier homes. 

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