Top 5 Seasonal Maintenance Tips for Efficient Ventilation Year-Round

Reading time: 4 min


Selecting and installing the right fresh air appliance is only the first step to achieving efficient, effective ventilation. That is what happens in the months following installation that matters, especially during the harsh winter months.

During the cold season, both heat recovery ventilators (HRVs) and energy recovery ventilators (ERVs) work hard to provide homes with fresh indoor air. They are designed to bring outdoor air into the home. However, poor maintenance can cause these appliances to not only be less effective but also less efficient.

Ensure homes are getting the freshest air without running up energy bills using these five seasonal maintenance tips:

#1: Ensure Proper Installation

For HVAC contractors, the best way to ensure optimal performance of clients’ fresh air appliances is to carefully follow installation guidelines. An unbalanced system or improper sizing can cause the system to pull in too much air and operate inefficiently.

For proper installation of Fantech fresh air appliances, always refer to installation manuals, support materials, and best practices from the pros.

#2: Check the Air Filters

Regular cleaning of filters and vents is simple to do and can have a significant impact on the home comfort and health of your fresh air appliance.

However, many homeowners forget to check. As a result, fresh air filters get clogged up and reduce the amount of fresh air brought into the home.

#3: Clean the HRV/ERV Core

Going one step further, regular core cleaning is also essential for optimal performance. The core is the powerhouse of the ERV/HRV system; however, much like air filters, the core can get clogged up over time with outdoor contaminants.

Every six to eight months, pull out the core, vacuum it thoroughly, then place it back into the appliance. Watch our HVAC pros demonstrate. 

#4: Adjust the Control System

Is your fresh air appliance running at high speed all the time? A quick adjustment to the control system can vastly improve efficiency.

For example, ECO-Touch® Auto IAQ Control automatically selects the best operating settings for your appliance based on the indoor and outdoor conditions. The intuitive screen displays ventilation movement and performance rates so you can easily check and adjust the system.

#5: Consider Upgrading Your System

If your fresh air appliance is more than 10 years old, it may be time to replace it with an upgraded system. While regular maintenance can improve the longevity of your fresh air appliance, you may be sacrificing energy efficiency and performance by holding onto your system for too long.

Fantech offers a wide range of fresh air appliances, including our HERO Series designed for easy installation and efficient performance. If you think it’s time to upgrade your system, start by exploring our entire lineup of ERV/HRV solutions.